Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kahuna Paddle

New way to longboard is the Kahuna Paddle.

Longboard Bearings

Bearings can make all the difference in the world on how your longboard rides. Bearings are an important part of your board. Here are some different brands of bearings.

Gullwing Sidewinder Longboard Trucks

These Trucks are my personal favorite trucks to ride with. These trucks change the way you will view longboarding.

Loaded Longboards Freeride Slide Gloves

Check out this gloves to help you drift and spin all the way around going downhill thru curves. These gloves help friction go to the pucks and not your hand so you can drift more.
Specialize your longboard with different types of wheels to accomplish the Style of riding you like.
Whether it is hard, soft, or in the middle for sliding or just cruising. ABEC 11 Gumballs, ABEC 11 Flywheels, orangatang fat free, or Retro BigZig. Different Wheels Changes the whole style of riding.